Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors can comprise up to 15 members, two thirds of which must be independent. Every Board member fits an expertise and experience profile that was established by the Board to ensure that they are able to properly fulfil their role. The Chairman of the Board and the President and Chief Executive Officer are two separate positions.

Additional information


Audit Committee

The Committee sees that the financial statements accurately reflect CDPQ’s financial position.

It plays an essential role in the sound governance of CDPQ, particularly in oversight, communication and disclosure of internal controls, financial reporting, internal audit and the co‑auditors.


  • Alain Côté (Chair)
  • Jean-François Blais
  • Florence Brun-Jolicoeur
  • Marc Tremblay

Investment and Risk Management Committee

The Committee ensures compliance with CDPQ’s risk identification and management process.

In this role, it reviews risk management orientations and policies and studies investment proposals, in accordance with the oversight policies.


  • Jean-François Blais (Chair)
  • Alain Côté
  • Nelson Gentiletti
  • Wendy Murdock

Governance and Ethics Committee

The Committee ensures that CDPQ maintains the highest standards of governance and ethics.

It is also responsible for the effectiveness of the Board and its committees. 


  • Olga Farman (Chair)
  • Ivana Bonnet-Zivcevic
  • Nelson Gentiletti
  • Jean St-Gelais

Human Resources

The Committee reviews the orientations and strategies used by CDPQ to manage its human resources.

It includes performance evaluation, succession planning and executive compensation, as well as its general integrated talent management practices.


  • Lynn Jeanniot (Chair)
  • Ivana Bonnet-Zivcevic
  • Ghislain Parent
  • Jean St-Gelais
  • Marc Tremblay